Zootropolis, the most anticipated children’s animation of 2016, is Disney’s third film without any human characters, directed by Byron Howard, the director of Tangled and Bolt cartoons. It tells the story of a police officer rabbit in a large and complex city called Zootropolis, who teams up with a fox and tries to overcome difficulties. […]
It has been a year since Guts Hawk left the group, and Griffith has been condemned by the Midland Kingdom for treason. At a campsite where they are hiding, the Hawk group is attacked by Bakiraka assassins led by Silat. Just when you think about what you’ve lost, Guts returns from his journey. “You ruined […]
Hawk Team, the locomotive raiders of the Midland Kingdom army, are becoming increasingly useful to the kingdom and gaining the support of the royal family. However, there are also those within the royal administration who are not happy with this situation… On the other hand, the Hawk Team will begin to disintegrate. The most striking […]
It tells the story of a mercenary named Guts, who progresses on the rocky roads of destiny with his group of mercenaries called Band of Hawk, accompanied by friendship, love and betrayal. Show More
The life of an ordinary Parisian girl, Marinette, takes on a superheroic dimension when she becomes Ladybug. Gifted with magical creation powers, Ladybug must team up with her counterpart, Cat Noir, to save Paris as a new villain wreaks havoc in the city. Show More
Protected from the human world for years, the Turtle brothers set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers with heroic deeds and to be accepted as normal teenagers. Their new friend, April O’Neil, helps them take down a mysterious crime syndicate, but they soon find themselves in over their heads when a mutant army […]
When 74-year-old weary lizard Leo learns he has only a year left to live, he decides to finally escape the terrarium of the Florida high school classroom he’s been locked in for decades, to experience life outside with his best turtle friend. Show More
Seven-year-old William discovers a lifelong friend when he receives a new favorite toy for Christmas, unlocking the doors to a magical world. Show More
Let the ultimate showdown begin. In this unparalleled and gripping martial arts encounter, the toughest fighters from “Baki Hanma” and “Kengan Ashura” face off against each other. Show More
A reluctant star athlete returns home to take over the mantle from his father, Ultraman, and transforms into a legendary hero to protect Tokyo from giant monsters. Show More
Emerging as the greatest threat to existence, the Anti-Monitor continues to annihilate worlds in the multiverse that are struggling to survive. One by one, these worlds and all their inhabitants are vanishing! Meanwhile, time itself is shattered on the remaining planets, and heroes from the past are battling at the core of evil alongside the […]
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