Raging Bull


The ambitious life story of boxer Jake La Motta (Robert De Niro), from championship to bar comedian, told in his own words. This film, directed by the master director Martin Scorsese, was shot in black and white for protest purposes, and is also ranked in the top 10 best films of all time by film critics and directors.
Solid performance must be something like this. Robert De Niro portrayed middleweight boxing champion Jake La Motta in Raging Bull, one of his masterpieces with Martin Scorsese, so much so that it is difficult to think of him separately from Robert De Niro. Raging Bull, loosely adapted from La Motta’s autobiography
In fact, it is a masterpiece that turns sports movie clichés upside down. When the harshness of the boxing rings and the boxer’s struggle to find his own inner peace come together, one of the most striking athlete characters in the history of cinema emerges.

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