Vikings is a series that follows the adventures of the brave warrior Ragnar Lothbrok and his son Bjørn, whose raids extended as far as France and Britain, making them famous in history. The show provides a realistic impression by also reflecting the rarely explored Viking culture. We witness Ragnar’s rise from a simple farmer to a visionary leader, and watch his struggles at sea alongside his brotherly friend Rollo. The fearless and ruthless people, who draw strength from the sea, the sun, and Odin, embark on thrilling adventures that certainly capture attention.
Created and written by Michael Hirst, who is also known for The Tudors and Camelot, the series blends real history with fantasy elements. Directed by Johan Renck, the lead cast includes Travis Fimmel (Ragnar Lothbrok), Clive Standen (Rollo), and Katheryn Winnick (Lagertha, Ragnar’s wife). The cast was carefully selected to resemble the people of that era, with no obvious miscasts, and the performances are solid, bolstered by well-written supporting characters like Gustaf Skarsgård, who plays Floki. Floki is a key figure in Ragnar’s journey, a great Scandinavian sailor nicknamed “Beaver,” who aids Ragnar in achieving his dreams and deliberately sets sail for Britain.
Contrary to popular belief, Vikings did not wear horned helmets like those in Skyrim or the Heroes of Might & Magic series. As depicted in the series, their combat style relied on speed and agility, which is why helmets were rarely used. They were highly skilled with spears and axes as much as with swords. Vikings also had distinctive ethnic and cultural practices, such as their justice system and funeral rituals. No matter what, even their mystical ships, with dragon-shaped prows, were enough to instill fear in others as they sailed the seas.
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