

Dogtooth, one of the most beautiful films of recent years in Greek cinema, is an impressive film that questions family structure and achieves this through dark comedy and drama. While it is a rather harsh film, its simple narrative style highlights how modern systems dehumanize individuals and turn them into pets. The story revolves around a family’s attempt to raise their three children as “good individuals” by isolating them from the world.

This film not only questions the breadth of the concept of “good,” but also challenges family hierarchy and individuals who have become slaves to systems. In this world, everything has a book and an explanation; everything is known in advance, and you must read to learn. You have to live according to the rules in the books and do what you are told. You have no other choice. Everything is predetermined, and you must be raised accordingly. The film harshly critiques a system that envisions a world constrained by borders in the name of modernization. It also reflects the existence of a human being trapped like a child stuck in a suitcase.

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