Kung Fu Panda 3


One of the most successful animated series in history, Kung Fu Panda 3, returns with its funniest adventure yet. When Po’s long-lost panda father reappears, they reunite and set off for a hidden panda paradise to meet incredible new pandas. However, with the supernatural villain Kai beginning to defeat kung fu masters across China, Po faces an impossible task: he must train a village full of lovable, clumsy pandas and turn them into kung fu masters.

The beloved animated film is once again directed by Jennifer Yuh, as in the second film, with the screenplay by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. The original voice cast features Jack Black as Po, alongside a legendary team including Dustin Hoffman, David Cross, James Hong, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, and Mads Mikkelsen.

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